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Synagogues (and Yeshivot) are organized alphabetically by country and territory.

Please select an alphabetical group.


A ~ E     F ~ I     J ~ N     O ~ S     T ~ Z


ARUBA (AW), Oranjestad: Beth Israel

AUSTRALIA (AU), Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Canberra: A.C.T. Jewish Community National Jewish Centre

AUSTRALIA (AU), New South Wales, Newcastle. Newcastle Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), New South Wales, Sydney. Central Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), New South Wales, Sydney. Coogee Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), New South Wales, Sydney. Great Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), New South Wales, Sydney. Newtown Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), New South Wales, Sydney. Sephardi Synagogue Kehillat Bet Yisrael

AUSTRALIA (AU), Queensland, Brisbane. Brisbane Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), South Australia, Adelaide. Adelaide Hebrew Congregation

AUSTRALIA (AU), South Australia, Adelaide. Beit Shalom Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), South Australia, Adelaide. Original Adelaide Hebrew Congregation Synagogue (currently, nightclub Apple)

AUSTRALIA (AU), Tasmania, Hobart. Hobart Synagogue (the oldest synagogue in Australia, est. 1845)

AUSTRALIA (AU), Tasmania, Launceston. Chabad House/Prayer Room

AUSTRALIA (AU), Tasmania, Launceston. Launceston Hebrew Congregation Synagogue

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Ballarat. Ballarat Synagogue (Ballarat Hebrew Congregation, She’erit Yisrael)

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Blake Street Hebrew Congregation

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Caulfield Hebrew Congregation

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Leo Baeck Centre for Progressive Judaism

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Melbourne Hebrew Congregation (Toorak Synagogue)

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Mizrachi

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. St. Kilda Hebrew Congregation

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Temple Beth Israel

AUSTRALIA (AU), Victoria, Melbourne. Yeshiva Centre

AUSTRIA (AT), Eisenstadt. Synagogue Samson Wertheimers

AUSTRIA (AT), Vienna. Seitenstettengasse Synagogue




BARBADOS (BB), Bridgetown. Nidhe Israel Synagogue

BARBADOS (BB), Christ Church. Shaare Tzedek Synagogue

BELGIUM (BE), Brussels. Rue de la Regence Synagogue

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINIA (BA), Sarajevo. Ashkenazi Synagogue

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINIA (BA), Sarajevo. Sephardic Synagogue

BOTSWANA (BW), Gaborone. Prayer room at home of Avner and Nurit Tzabari

BRAZIL (BR), Manaus. Beth Yaacov-Rebi Meyr Synagogue

BULGARIA (BG), Plovdiv. Zion Synagogue

BULGARIA (BG), Sofia. Great Synagogue




CAMEROON (CM), Sa’a. Prayer/study/social hall, Beth Yeshourun

CANADA (CA), Ontario, Toronto. Beach Hebrew Institute

CANADA (CA), Ontario, Toronto. Congregation Anshei Minske

CANADA (CA), Ontario, Toronto. Congregation Knesseth Israel, a.k.a. The Junction Synagogue

CANADA (CA), Ontario, Toronto. First Narayever Congregation

CANADA (CA), Ontario, Toronto. Kiever Synagogue

CAPE VERDE (CV), Sinagoga. Synagogue ruins

CEUTA (Spain) (ES). Bet El Synagogue

CHILE (CL), Santiago. Comunidad de Santiago Sinagoga

CHINA (CN), Hong Kong. Kehilat Zion a.k.a. Hechal Ezra Synagogue

CHINA (CN), Hong Kong. Ohel Leah Synagogue

CHINA (CN), Hong Kong. Shuva Israel Synagogue

CHINA (CN), Shanghai. Ohel Moshe Synagogue

CHINA (CN), Shanghai. Ohel Rachel Synagogue

CHINA (CN), Shanghai. Beit Menachem Synagogue, Ohel Yisrael

COLOMBIA (CO), Barranquilla. Sinagoga Bet El

COLOMBIA (CO), Bogota. Sinagoga Asociacion Israelita Montefiore

CONGO, D. R. (CD), Kinshasa. Beit Yaacov Synagogue

CONGO, D. R. (CD), Kinshasa. Yeshiva Ohel Moshe, Chabad-Lubavitch of Central Africa

CONGO, D. R. (CD), Lubumbashi. Lubumbashi Synagogue

COSTA RICA (CR), San Jose. Congregacion B’nei Israel

COSTA RICA (CR), San Jose. Beit Menachem Synagogue Jabad (Chabad) Lubavitch

CROATIA (HR), Dubrovnik. Old Dubrovnik Synagogue

CROATIA (HR), Split. Split Synagogue

CUBA (CU), Camaguey. Casa Tifereth Israel Synagogue

CUBA (CU), Camaguey. Original Tifereth Israel Synagogue (ruins) and environs

CUBA (CU), Guantanamo. Synagogue Yad-El @ home of community president Rodolfo Mizrahi Tellez

CUBA (CU), Havana. Sinagoga Adath Israel (2002)

CUBA (CU), Havana. Adath Israel Synagogue (2008)

CUBA (CU), Havana. Bet Shalom Synagogue, a.k.a. El Patronato

CUBA (CU), Havana. Centro Hebreo Sefardi de Cuba

CUBA (CU), Havana. Chevet Achim Synagogue (ruins)

CUBA (CU), Santa Clara. Former synagogue

CUBA (CU), Santa Clara. New synagogue (renovations pending as of August 2008)

CUBA (CU), Santiago de Cuba. Sinagoga Comunidad Hebrea Hatikva & Community Center (2002)

CUBA (CU), Santiago de Cuba. Comunidad Hebrea Hatikva & Community Center (2008)

CUBA (CU), Santiago de Cuba. Old synagogue (ruins)

CURACAO (CUR), Willemstad. Mikve Israel-Emanuel Synagogue, SNOA

CURACAO (CUR), Willemstad. Shaarei Tzedek Ashkenazic Orthodox Jewish Community Synagogue

CURACAO (CUR), Willemstad. Temple Emanuel

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Brno. Velka Synagogue

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Plzen. Plzen Synagogue

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Prague. Klaus Synagogue

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Prague. Maisal Synagogue (1998) (2019)

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Prague. Old-New Synagogue (1998) (2019)

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Prague. Pinkas Synagogue (1998) (2019)

CZECH REPUBLIC (CZ), Prague. Spanish Synagogue (1998) (2019)




DENMARK (DK), Copenhagen. Great Synagogue

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (DO), Santo Domingo. Adath Yeshurun Synagogue




ECUADOR (EC), Quito. Sinagoga Comunidad Judia del Ecuador

EGYPT (EG), Cairo. Ben Ezra Synagogue

EGYPT (EG), Cairo. Shar Ha’Shamayim Synagogue

EL SALVADOR (SV), San Salvador. Sinagoga Comunidad Israelita de El Salvador

ENGLAND (UK), Liverpool. Princes Road Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Belsize Square Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Bevis Marks Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Central Synagogue (2006)

ENGLAND (UK), London. Central Synagogue (8.2016)

ENGLAND (UK), London. East London Central Synagogue (aka Nelson Street Synagogue)

ENGLAND (UK), London. Edgware & District Reform Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Golders Green Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Hendon United Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Holland Park Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London: Liberal Jewish Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Mill Hill United Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Muswell Hill Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. New London Synagogue (2006)

ENGLAND (UK), London. New London Synagogue (2012)

ENGLAND (UK), London. New North London Synagogue (old synagogue) (2011)

ENGLAND (UK), London. New North London Synagogue (2012)

ENGLAND (UK), London. New West End Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Sandy’s Row Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Sha’arei Tsedek North London Reform Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. South Hampstead Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Spanish & Portuguese Jews Congregation Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. West London Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Western Marble Arch Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), London. Westminster Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), Manchester. Manchester Reform Synagogue

ENGLAND (UK), Stoke-on-Trent. Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Hebrew Congregation Synagogue (2006)

ENGLAND (UK), Stoke-on-Trent. Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Hebrew Congregation Synagogue (2017)

ENGLAND (UK), Stoke-on-Trent. Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, Original

ERITREA (ER), Asmara. Asmara Synagogue

ESTONIA (EE), Rakvere. Location of former Laada Street Prayer House

ESTONIA (EE), Tallinn. Magdalena Street Synagogue (1997)

ESTONIA (EE), Tallinn. Magdalena Street Synagogue (former) (2011)

ESTONIA (EE), Tallinn. Old Contonists’ Synagogue

ESTONIA (EE), Tallinn. Tallinn Synagogue, Beit Bella

ETHIOPIA (ET), Addis Ababa. Beta Selam Synagogue (Simien Shewa Beita Israel, aka Bale Eje)

ETHIOPIA (ET), Addis Ababa. Shalom Shelemay Yemenite Synagogue

ETHIOPIA (ET), Ambober (Gondar). Ambober Synagogue

ETHIOPIA (ET), Falasha Village (Gondar). Synagogue

ETHIOPIA (ET), Gondar. Hatikvah Jewish Community Synagogue (and service)



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